Theorem proposed by me

As the fragile humans that we are, the foetal position gives us a notion of safety and protection of the worlds immensities. From when we were born until now, simply searching for the unattainable satisfaction of comfort.

Monday, August 2, 2010

So, i would like to introduce you all to a very special small person.
She is amazing.
She is adorable.
and sometimes makes hissing noises.
Her name is Mikayla!
She, is my niece.

So my sister, her fiancée, son, daughter, 2 cats and dog, is living with us for a while until she gets her house sorted out. Its like Hawthorne Heights jamming in my hallway.....24/7.

Although I am heaps lucky to have a beautiful Niece and Nephew, I also love my quiet Jessica Time <3

With a crazy household, i decided to make the most of my situation. and EXPLOIT THE CHILDREN.

Child labour = Making "cleaning Jessica's room" a game.
Child labour = Answering telemarketers.
Child labour= Catering to my stomach.

So the children are pretty useful. not to mention ADORABLE. They have some pretty odd habits which arn't all bad. Mikayla has an fascination with answering the phone. Pretty handy since i refuse to answer the home number. Clearly it is not for me, I have a mobile.

So yesterday, i was just loving life at home. Went to the toilet to do, you know, toilet stuff. And there was no toilet paper. What do i do? Ring the home phone. Tell Miki to bring some toilet paper from the other toilet. AND BAM! Problem solved.

My nephew on the other hand just chills in Tutus and attempts leg mounts. I think he wants to be a ballerina.

I have regular photo shoots with them. She has the cutest poses. I say Beyonce and she does the single ladies dance. I say Lady gaga. and she VOGUES!

I shall be posting some shots of our happy times soon. :)

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